Work Package 4

Dissemination and networking

  • to ensure policy and practical relevance as well as applicability of project results
  • to promote policy impact and up-take of research results in the targeted regions
  • to provide systematic access to results of relevant past and ongoing projects

This work package included different means of dissemination and networking in order to ensure that consolidated project results are meaningful for practitioners and policy makers and to promote their up-take on the policy level as well as application by relevant authorities, stakeholders and end-users in the concerned regions. The aim is to create an added value to the dissemination activities undertaken in past and on-going projects by disseminating synthesised results and targeted dissemination towards the policy level.
All dissemination materials are made available in the Downloads section.


Brochures, leaflets and e-newsletter

In order to establish a well-defined communication strategy for the broad public, on the one hand, and for decision makers, on the other, the outcomes of Twin2Go have been  summarized and refined to consistent communications tailor made for the respective target group. Dissemination products include:

  • A project leaflet providing a general presentation of the Twin2Go approach and activities
  • Policy briefs summarising policy-relevant lessons learned and recommendations

    Policy Brief 1: Responding to climate change: towards more adaptive water governance systems (Available in English, Russian, and Spanish)
    Policy Brief 2: Lessons learned for successful transfer and implementation of better practices in water governance (Available in English, Russian, and Spanish)
  • E-newsletters
  • Press releases and scientific articles (download the Twin2Go Press Kit here)

Enhanced power point presentation

A ready to use communication, professionally prepared for the target audience of political decision makers will provide for multiplier effects as it can be used by a large number of water programmes and projects. With this aim, an enhanced power point presentation covering Twin2Go’s key messages was prepared. Together with other dissemination materials it shall be used by project participants, but also future projects and international organisations, for targeted briefings of political decision makers and high level water managers.

Policy workshops

While most of the past and on-going twinning projects include dissemination activities for various target groups, the actual link to national policy makers is often the most difficult. Twin2Go, therefore, undertook targeted policy dialogue interventions between research and the relevant policy level in the target regions. Workshops were organised in the twinning regions (South and South East Asia, Russia/New Independent States, Africa, and Latin America), where consolidated results of the project were presented and reviewed, and ways of their translation into policy and implementation discussed.

Please visit the Workshops section for more information about the regional policy workshops.